Georgia Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Georgia Teacher Reciprocity Agreements: What You Need to Know

Are you a teacher looking to move to Georgia or leave the state for a teaching job elsewhere? If so, you may be wondering about teacher reciprocity agreements and how they can affect your ability to obtain a teaching license in another state. This article will provide an overview of Georgia teacher reciprocity agreements and what you need to know.

What is Teacher Reciprocity?

Teacher reciprocity is an agreement between states that allows teachers to transfer their teaching credentials from one state to another. This means that if you have a teaching license in one state, you can work in another state without having to go through the entire certification process again.

However, it’s important to note that each state has different requirements for obtaining a teaching license. When transferring your license to another state, you may need to meet additional state-specific requirements, such as taking additional coursework or passing state exams. This is known as “licensure by endorsement.”

Georgia Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Georgia has teacher reciprocity agreements with all 50 states and the District of Columbia. This means that if you have a teaching license from another state, you can be granted a Georgia teaching license as long as you meet the state’s requirements for licensure by endorsement.

Teachers with an out-of-state teaching license can apply for a Georgia teaching license by completing an application and submitting the necessary documentation, including transcripts, test scores, and verification of teaching experience. Once the application is reviewed and approved, the teacher will be issued a Georgia teaching license.

It’s important to note that Georgia has different requirements for licensure based on the level of education the teacher is qualified to teach. For example, teachers who want to teach middle or high school must have a degree in the subject they plan to teach, as well as passing scores on the Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE). Elementary school teachers must have a degree in education and pass the GACE Program Admission Assessment.

Benefits of Teacher Reciprocity Agreements

Teacher reciprocity agreements make it easier for teachers to move to another state and begin teaching without having to go through the entire certification process again. This is particularly helpful for military families, who may need to move frequently.

In addition, teacher reciprocity agreements can help alleviate teacher shortages in certain states by allowing qualified teachers from other states to work there. This can also help bring in new ideas and teaching methods, as well as provide opportunities for professional development and networking.


Teacher reciprocity agreements are an important consideration for teachers who are looking to move to a new state or teach in a different state temporarily. Georgia has reciprocity agreements with all 50 states, making it easier for teachers to transfer their teaching credentials and begin teaching in Georgia. However, it’s important to note that each state has different requirements for licensure by endorsement, so it’s important to research the requirements before making any moves.