Itunes Connect Paid Apps Agreement

iTunes Connect Paid Apps Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re a developer looking to sell your app on the Apple App Store, you`ll need to sign the iTunes Connect Paid Apps Agreement. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions for selling paid apps on the App Store, as well as the revenue share agreement between Apple and the developer.

Here`s what you need to know about the iTunes Connect Paid Apps Agreement:

1. Revenue Share

When you sell a paid app on the App Store, Apple takes a 30% commission on the sale. The remaining 70% goes to the developer. This revenue share is outlined in the agreement and cannot be changed.

2. Availability

Apps must be available for download from the App Store within 120 days of signing the agreement. If the app is not available within this time frame, the agreement will be terminated.

3. Compliance

Developers must ensure that their apps comply with Apple`s App Store Review Guidelines. Apps that violate these guidelines may be removed from the App Store.

4. Tax and Legal Obligations

Developers are responsible for complying with all tax and legal obligations related to selling apps on the App Store. This includes obtaining any necessary licenses and certifications.

5. Termination

Apple may terminate the agreement at any time if the developer is in breach of the agreement. In this case, the developer will not be entitled to any further payments for their app.

In conclusion, the iTunes Connect Paid Apps Agreement outlines the terms and conditions for selling paid apps on the App Store. Developers must comply with these terms and ensure that their apps meet Apple`s guidelines. While Apple takes a 30% commission on sales, developers retain the remaining 70%. By understanding the agreement, developers can ensure that their apps are successfully sold on the App Store.